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Looking for reasonably priced apartment

We are renting at the moment and would eventually like to buy and feel now is the time to start looking around for an apartment. Either new build or resale is fine and have looked on this site but there isn´t too many. Do you know if there will be more added to this site? If there is anyone who has a private sale please let me know. Thanks. Chris


First of all I would like to thank you for joining our forum. We will be displaying many more properties on all our local community sites in the very near future, where I am sure you will have a variety of places to choose from. In the meantime if anyone has any private rentals please feel free to add them to our site and we will adverise them for free for you.

Commented Rio in Almoradi 2011-05-19 12:47:58 UTC

Hi there,
Thank you for coming back to me! Will keep my eyes on the property section.

Commented chrishenrick in Almoradi 2011-05-19 16:10:16 UTC